
A Cool Money-Making Solution to a Dangerously Hot Issue

Hindsight over a lost opportunity to make money is a head-shaking occurrence. But when the opportunity to increase NOI & exceed an ROI is transparent, predictable, and automated, it’s the worst. Before continuing, I must warn you, if energy bills & HVAC repairs are costs you consider essential goods & services, never looking at the auto-drafted amount, do skip this and go back to watching something funny on YouTube (you know you were there earlier). However, if you’d like to reduce these costs with the click of a button, value adding to NOI while helping to alleviate the shutdown of…

Trouble sleeping?

Trouble sleeping? Climate change may be to blame, and according to researchers, it’s only going to get worse.   Sounds serious, doesn’t it? Hospitality and MultiFamily industries, especially those who cater to active lifestyles and our older generations, may have to handle some fallout from their tired residents, especially in…

News, Sustainability

Leadership and Sustainability

Sustainability as a corporate strategy may finally have reached a tipping point.   For years sustainability has been a conceptual discussion in board rooms and messaging points from marketing departments. But from a tactical perspective, outside of LED lighting upgrades, very few practical, ROI positive steps to incorporate sustainability goals…


What We Can Learn From the Greenest Countries in the World

What We Can Learn From the Greenest Countries in the World   The EPI (Environmental Performance Index) is a Yale-conducted data-driven ranking of 180 different countries based on environmental health and ecosystem vitality. It’s essentially a numbered list of the most-to-least green countries. The most recent EPI list was released…

How To Stay Warm When The Power Goes Out

Temperatures outside are freezing and the power is out… Now what?         By now, most of us have either heard about the winter storm that’s sweeping across the U.S., or are experiencing it firsthand. Times like this are a good reminder that we are not immune to…

Escape the heat and save money

Spring is in the air and for most of us, that means things are starting to heating up! As the air outside gets hotter, so do our homes, and we begin running our AC’s more and more. Then our rising utility bills show up and after seeing how much our…

Why We’re At An IoT Inflection Point: The Case For Open Networks

It’s no secret that one of the largest areas of growth in the tech industry is deploying and optimizing internet of things (IoT) devices. After smartphones conquered our pockets, the world’s most innovative companies are building intelligent devices — smart thermostats, speakers, plugs, security systems and more — to control…

Simple Energy Management and Bonus Savings for Restaurants

Restaurant owners are constantly looking for ways to cut costs and raise profit margins yet still provide the best service to their customers. With restaurants using up to 10 times more energy per square foot than any other commercial building, it can be extremely beneficial to cut that energy usage. …

Why franchisees should care about building energy management

Operating a successful franchise is an all-consuming task. There are bills to pay, employees to manage, facilities to keep up, and customers to serve. Improving energy efficiency, monitoring, and control through a central software portal is often the last thing on a busy franchise owner’s mind. However, a good building…

How to Be More In Control of Your Home Utility Bill

While there are those of us that prefer six month winters packed with fluffy snow on the slopes, and others than opt for beach volleyball in an endless summer, we can all agree that high utility bills don’t crack our top one million on the list of favorites.  Have you…

Making Hotel Guests More Comfortable With Energy Management

Hotels constantly seek new ways to make their guests more comfortable, incorporating amenities that increase comfort draws in new guests and keeps existing customers loyal to the brand.  These range from major initiatives, such as opening a premier on-site spa, to smaller ones, like leaving a morsel of chocolate on…

5 Easy Ways to Save Energy at School

Schools and all other types of learning centers require vast amounts of energy in order to operate efficiently.  Keeping the lights on, air flowing, and providing appropriate ventilation adds up quick on the energy bill, and costs can reach absurd amounts if not kept in check.  Keeping overhead low is…

How to Stay Warmer and More Energy Efficient This Winter

For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we have almost fully endured the frigid winter months that occupy our half of the Earth from December to March.  During this time, many home and business owners turn up the heat to create a more pleasant temperature for occupants to enjoy. …

Evaluating Smart Thermostats for Home and Business

Over the course of just a decade, thermostats have evolved from the basic, manually adjusted models with limited capabilities to comprehensive energy management systems that occupy our walls today. These systems regulate the heating, cooling, and ventilation of our homes and businesses, and selecting the most well-equipped device is an important financial decision to keep overhead costs as low as possible.

Live from CES: Our favorite innovations for the smart connected home

It’s that time again!  The Consumer Electronics Show is happening right now in Las Vegas, bringing together innovators, entrepreneurs, and techies from across the globe to showcase the latest and greatest in consumer electronics.  This is the show that gives the industry and the world a sneak peek into some…

7 Step Plan to Get Employees Focused on Energy Savings

IoT devices, lighting retrofits and energy management systems get a lot of the airtime when it comes to how to slash energy bills. However, there’s a high likelihood that you can also cut energy immediately with no outlay of cash or equipment installation. In fact, one of your biggest opportunities…

Hidden savings from smart business thermostats

It’s relatively obvious that by putting your air conditioner on a restricted hours schedule using a smart thermostat, you’re saving power and consequently cutting your electricity bill, and that by using your facility heating unit less, your heating fuel bill will be reduced.  However, integrating smart thermostats to conserve energy…

5 Signs that your HVAC System requires maintenance

You probably already know that usage of your HVAC system is one of the largest contributors to your energy bills.  But, did you know that properly maintaining your HVAC system can dramatically affect the efficiency of your system, and as such how much energy it takes to operate it?  Failing…

The end of thermostat lock boxes?

Since the dawn of air conditioning itself, there has been a struggle over who gets to set the thermostat.  Facilities managers would like the cooling system to come on just enough to kick the dust off the unit and ensure that it’s maintenance-free for the year.   But for someone sitting…

Energy saving hack: Cut electricity demand charges

What are demand charges? Many utilities offer a rate plan that charges business in their service area ‘demand’ charges.  Demand charges are intended to encourage you to spread out your electricity usage over time to prevent overall peaks in grid electricity demand.  Demand charges are calculated during the period of…