Schools and all other types of learning centers require vast amounts of energy in order to operate efficiently. Keeping the lights on, air flowing, and providing appropriate ventilation adds up quick on the energy bill, and costs can reach absurd amounts if not kept in check. Keeping overhead low is an important consideration for any educational institution. Luckily, there are a quite a few ways to save energy at school and lower overall consumption in the classroom. The first step is to educate students about energy-saving best practices so that they will autonomously reduce their carbon footprint and carry this behavior with them into the future. In addition to educating students about energy usage, consider incorporating these 5 tactics as ways to save energy at school.
Program Timers For Powering Up and Down
Have you ever accidentally left the lights on? We are all guilty. Utilizing programmed timers can be a huge help when powering down all electricity consuming gadgets or devices. A common solution is an electric outlet timer, which can be found in most hardware stores. Connect the outlet timer to the divider, at that point the gadget into the outlet timer, and set when to turn on and off the gadget. It’s super basic and one less thing for you to remember.
Keep Your Entryway Shut
By keeping a classroom entryway shut, you can eliminate HVAC energy waste. Keeping an entryway open allows air to escape, which causes heating and cooling systems to do more work than necessary, resulting in larger energy bills. Particularly in the winter and summer months, keeping schools at comfortable temperatures can be tricky.
Kill lights when you leave a room
Turning the lights off when you leave the classroom appears like a completely evident undertaking, however, it’s something individuals frequently overlook. Be sure to remind the children to turn off any lights when a room is left vacant. On the off chance that those same knobs are just on in case you’re in the room, you could save approximately $10 per month on the energy bill for a single classroom.
Unplug when you’re done
If a gadget has a remote or shows light, you can promise it’s utilizing power, notwithstanding when it’s controlled off. Make certain to unplug these kinds of things when they’re not being used. Overhead projectors, TVs, PCs and other devices still draw electricity when they remain plugged into the wall, even when not in use.
Encourage Students to Power Down Their Devices When Not in Use
While cell phones and tablets don’t require large amounts of energy, these items still utilize power to remain charged. From cell phones to workstations, students are on their contraptions throughout the entire duration of the day. If each student were to leave their devices off when not in use, the energy savings can be exponential.