Energy consumption in schools is a major expense for school districts and a drain on our diminishing natural resources. From stand-alone school buildings to higher education campuses with multiple buildings, Zen HQ works with educational institutions of all sizes to provide tailored school energy management solutions that save energy and cost. The Zen HQ platform allows educational facility managers the flexibility to lock, schedule and coordinate thermostats across multiple buildings, all without disrupting the classroom.
Zen HQ integrates with local utility demand response programs to provide a stream of incentives that can impact schools’ bottom lines. When energy demands are high, utilities offer incentives for education institutions to curb non-essential energy usage. Zen HQ automatically communicates with local utilities and remotely alters your thermostat settings to cut heating or cooling during these peak demand events. There’s no additional cost to participate, and your educational facility is compensated by bill credits or even checks, depending on the availability in your utility service area. See Zen HQ’s Features.
When classrooms are occupied it’s critical that they’re heated and cooled to be comfortable. But, when class isn’t in session, air conditioners or heater may continue to run, causing wasted energy and additional wear and tear on HVAC units. Zen HQ allows you to easily set schedules tailored to room or building usage, and change those schedules easily as class schedules dictate. Have a classroom that’s empty due to a field trip? Override the regular schedule and prevent unnecessary heating and cooling, resulting in energy savings. See Zen HQ’s Features.
If your educational institution has been using thermostat guards or lock boxes to prevent thermostat changes, it’s time for an upgrade. Lock boxes do the job, but they require someone to physically unlock the box and make changes. Delays to needed thermostat changes may have students and staff in discomfort due to hot or cold. With Zen HQ, rid your classrooms and common areas of thermostat lock boxes in exchange for smart thermostats that can be managed remotely for disruption when changes are needed. It’s just another way to conserve energy at school. See Zen HQ’s Features.