Zooming In On Building Technologies For Smart, Equitable Cities
Zooming In On Building Technologies For Smart, Equitable Cities
28 August, 2018
Growing cities are turning into smart cities

With the world’s population constantly rising, we need to focus on how to conserve more energy and how to improve the cities.  Moving towards smart cities is the most impactful way to do so.

“Cities at their core are layers of roads, buildings and people. To improve cities, we need to zoom in on where most of metropolitan life takes place: buildings. They are some of the most impactful and equitable smart city investments because intelligent buildings are cost-effective, accessible to a wide range of facilities to benefit all residents and are easy to enhance with improvements such as those that lead to significant energy savings. Smart, connected buildings can result from fairly simple upgrades that also deliver actionable data, which is particularly important during a time of rapid metropolitan growth and abundant information.”

Check out the full article here on Forbes Tech Council!