Why Commercial Buildings Need to Get Smarter About Energy and How EMS Can Help
Why Commercial Buildings Need to Get Smarter About Energy and How EMS Can Help
25 October, 2018
Commercial Buildings and Energy Management

New state energy goals and innovative utility program offerings have been making headlines in recent months. These types of regional policies and incentives are important, especially as we face challenges ranging from grid constraints and fluctuating electricity prices to environmental concerns, but significant portions of the country are outside of the direct influence of energy use mandates and incentives.

Nationwide, the need for sound energy management strategies in commercial buildings like retail, restaurants and hospitality facilities is more apparent than ever. These buildings consume a significant portion of U.S. energy, and increasing their efficiency improves the bottom lines of the businesses that run them while also benefiting broader goals to reduce emissions. With a clearer understanding of how new technologies overcome historic barriers, all commercial building managers can adopt energy management solutions (EMS) that make streamlining easier. Implementing effective EMS in the many small- to mid-size commercial buildings across the country adds up fast to tackle national energy challenges. Even better, upgrades are widely accessible and effective regardless of location and outside incentive.

Click here for the full article on Renewable Energy World.

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