Nine Big Workplace Changes Enabled By Ubiquitous Voice-Powered Technology
Nine Big Workplace Changes Enabled By Ubiquitous Voice-Powered Technology
22 February, 2018
Technology is taking over the office!

Advancements in the IoT world continue to positively impact the workplace.  This can allow workflow and productivity to increase, off-site control of lighting and thermostats, and ease of everyday tasks.  Integrating the technology that we use at home into the workplace can essentially save time and money.

“Companies can conveniently optimize energy and comfort at the office with a quick command — just like individuals use personal assistant devices to adjust lighting and thermostats at home.”

“The natural progression of this useful technology is for it to be integrated into the workplace. Although many employees already use voice controls for their daily work, it’s only a matter of time before enterprise software and hardware become equipped with voice activation.”

Check out the article here!